salam mujahadah...
di ambang peperiksaan yang bakal menjelma ni..
aku jadi malas pulak nak study..hehe
live hell or live well
i choose..get it..
so pilih la..
dalam tengah malas2 nak mentelaah
sambil menghadamkan subjek2 yang
agak memberatkan kepala otak ni...
aku break jap... cari2 something kat rak buku
mane la tau kot2 terjumpe
khazanah2 berharga yang da lame
bermastautin kat wardrobe ni..hehe
agak kamikaze tak??
ape aku kesah?!
aku jumpe something yang da agak berkurun jugakla
terperap kat dalam rak buku ni...
AL-IZDIHAAR edisi 08..
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pic mase aku form 1..seb baek tak jelas..haha malu.. |
amacam gempakz tak?!
kesah hidup aku zaman purba dolu2..
zaman batu + zaman mesolitik logam kot..
just nak share ape yg ade kt buku tu...
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I want to be myself
'myself' might not be the greatest
in the world( is anyone?!)
'myself' might have a lot of faults
but aren't we are all human?
'myself' might not be like everyone else
but are any of us alike?
I want to be me!
'me' may not be what you want
but then, its my life, not yours!
'me' may disappoint you sometimes
but then, I can't please everyone
'me' may not come up to your standards,
but then, it's my standard that I have to live
up to!
so please,
let me be myself
I'm not that person or this
I'm just plain old me
I'm just myself,just me!
Me, the way I am
by, Afiq & Khairudin
5 Religion 2
NOTA KAKI: bile aku teliti betol2..word by word... yes i got my spirit
I want to be myself..just myself..
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