Thursday, September 6, 2012


#smiling,my fingers cant wait to start dancing on the keyboard#

shall i start the post with a scream because of the overloaded bored was finally installed  in my brain a few days ago. ok.full stop. actually nadia, u've another fantabulous solution to delete all the sucking-minded that have been installed to ur mind, believe me! naah, whats the point printed out all the chapters of harun yahya's ebook? read laa syg..  thats ur staple diet right?

oh ok, aku dah start babbling all the way..agak-agak ade sampai melaka tak? =)

in the name of ALLAH,
the reason i write the post this time is to express the unexplained feeling that was kept deeply in my heart. The positive one.

The first-date with my bestie after 2 years . What i remember most, the rant that we did in front of  'tasek'(ok i donno to called it what) while waiting the klcc to 'fully' open. We spilled every things. What u do. What i do. How was ur 'raya'. How was ur life. Rewind back all those unforgettable  memories that we left behind. Then, the fountains start to do their job. impress the viewer with their beautifully 'dancing' skill. Means the klcc is starts working-all the worker will start to do their routine. 

First step, donno where to go. Walk-walk and walk. Then she start to look for the map. Frankly speaking, I am the foreigner of the day,that was the first-actually two times of my stepped onto KLCC.  The decision has made. We are going to the KINOKUNIYA first. Belief me, that was the first time I went there.  And finally 'for one more day' by Mitch Albom was successfully be mine. She was actually suggested to me to read the Albom's books. " All the Albom's book  were splendid. He wrote his feeling on his books. It will make you wistful, sometimes it will make you smile and it will make you blink back tears of nostalgia"

An hour later, Petrosains was our next 'visit-ing'. The exploring moment was really-really exciting. thought that was the 'rumah-hantu' for the first impression. The dark surrounding and the sound in the 'cute and black car' really make us in intimidated situation. But, after that...the rest was really unforgettable moment, we 'try' every single things. We touch here and there. Everythings was FUN. The going down from the oil rig platform-the escape way to safe ur life~that was fantastic. "lets try, but u wear a 'jubah'". Thats not the big problem for me, i've done some preparation for that kind xtvt. 
without realized, almost 2 hours we were in the 'exploring mood', and the end of the journey was long- away- to- finish. "do u know what time it is?" she asked me.

the illusion zone

trying so hard to solve the puzzle

my turn!

their turn

T-rex just behind you!

some of the science show

this is awesome..

I think I've to stop here, the rest is history.... the accidently meetup with 'uncle' Iraq with his brother while having our lunch. The experience talking-chatting with them were really awesome. "Sir, so far, hows Malaysia"she asked~"Malaysia is a beautiful country"! so, i am proud to be malaysian! and proud to be MUSLIM too.

psst: I am not going to write the whole post in english actually, sbbnya aku tau english aku memang teruk. tapi.. who cares! at least i put some effort to improve the language..  pd 'a she', thanksssss for the 'light'.. cute just like the 'new owner'!=D

Friday, July 13, 2012

another hidden oasis

coretan ini lakaran sebuah  hati,
cerita tentang rasa bahagia,
sebuah memori yg terindah,
bersama sahabat2 yg sgt superb!

dengan nama ALLAH, tulisan ini aku mulakan,


satu program yg aku rasakan sgt2 FANTABULOUS!
alhamdulillah, Pemilik Segala Hati, telah menggerakkan hati aku untuk turut menyertai program yg bagi aku really2 awesome. Walaupun x semua program aku sertai sepanjang camp ni (sebab aku bukan peserta) tapi the part of "bicara al-fateh" memang best... penyampaian yg sangat2 santai, dengan pendedahan yg sangat bermanfaat...aku nak jadi seperti al-fateh~yes, i really do..
al-fateh  dari segi akhlaknya, peribadinya~ Rabbi yassir walaa tu'assir, Rabbi thammin bilkhair~
see, cantikkan aturan ALLAH, 'pembukaan' yg sangat baik buat hati seorang nadia! SUBHANALLAH.. ALLAHURABBI..

alhamdulillah, semua berjalan dengan lancar... praise to ALLAH.
menikmati keindahan alam sepanjang perjalanan menuju ke lokasi outing, melihat tasik yg terbentang luas yg sentiasa mendamaikan setiap jiwa yg melihatnya... pohon2 yg menghijau bersama sang unggas yg berkicauan riang... x lupe jugak pada a friend of my friend mr n mrs nyet-nyet (just kidding ok) yg setia menunggu kami di tepi2 jalan..heee... semuanya menyeronokkan, dan rasa bahagia itu............ x boleh nak digambarkan-seriously... and i've found another hidden oasis, serenity, and the serious part yg sebelum ni aku x sedar, i really love the nature... and i really-really LOVE the only one, the CREATOR of the nature. ALLAHUAKBAR!

here we're.... NUR LEMBAH PANGSUN!

the camp site

dan banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lagi xtvt yg x terakam dlm kamera... but still will always be in my memory.... especially pade cik pacat yg dah byk ambik darah aku, thanks! that was the most memorabilia ones! the 'falling down' part, the jungle tracking, the flying fox~walaupun aku x maen..heee and the 'ilmiah' session , with IM FAKHRUL and BRO AIMAN AZLAN... everything was fantastic and fabulous! hope to see you guys again. insyaALLAH

Thursday, July 12, 2012

# if u need me #

if u need me,
call me..
 i don't care if i'm sleeping,
if i'm having my own problems
or i'm angry at u.

if u need me and need to talk to me,
i'll always be there if u need me..
no matter how small or how big your problem is,
i'll be there...

* the lovey-dovey-extra-super-power(ok enough!)
ayt kt atas, from the-sweet-person to the-more-sweeter-person in a sweet-day by the sweet time!
pada a 'she', thank you for always be by my side,
no matter how hard it is,
no matter how far u're,
your name will  always be in my heart, insyaALLAH...
hey u! yes u! a 'she'...   once again, u make me down memory land..

'kolam hati' ini untuk kamu -iFikr-

Friday, June 8, 2012

satu pengakuan

in the name of ALLAH The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

nisa': awak, sebelum hubungan kite pergi lebih jauh, saya nak buat satu pengakuan dekat awak.
rijal: pengakuan ape?
nisa': sebelum awak mula mencintai saya dan sebelum saya mula mencintai awak, saya nak awak tahu
          yang saya mencintai orang lain.
rijal: subhanallah...saat ini pun, awak masih cintakan dia?
nisa': ya, saya masih cintakan dia dan akan selamanya cintakan dia!
rijal: astaghfirullahal'azim... boleh saya tanya satu soalan?
nisa': silakan.
rijal: kenapa awak terima lamaran saya tempoh hari jika awak mencintai dia?
nisa': kerana saya yakin awak akan membimbing saya menuju ke jannahNYA.
rijal : ~terdiam~
nisa': awak tak nak tahu siapa orang yang sangat saya cintai tu?
rijal : siapa?
nisa': seorang insan agung, kekasih ALLAH, junjungan mulia, Nabi Muhammad SAW.
rijal: alhamdulillah...

~ok, cukup. mood jiwang dah tamat~
~fokus untuk study pulak~

Thursday, June 7, 2012

your exam is final!

salam sejahtera kuucapkan buat insan2 yg dicintai kerana ALLAH.

kurang dari 4 hari
mahasiswa2 Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
bakal menduduki imtihan.
dan ini bererti....
mr. study week bakal berpisah dgn kite..<--- love you so much!believe me.
selamat tinggal mr. study week,<----jgn tinggalkn daku!=(
 welcome mr. final exam!<---- =)
bitaufiq wannajah ya kpd semua mahasiswa!

final exam

jgn kacau sy, sy tgh fokus study =b

buat sahabat2, study-study jugak
kita masih ade lagi satu
yg mana resultnya menjadi penentu kehidupan diakhirat kelak=)

vitamin buat diri yg kadangkala alpa

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rant of the Day~day 1

in the name of ALLAH, The Most Gracious The Most Merciful,

orait, b4 that, nak jerit kuat2................I'M HOME!!!!!
ok fine..dah puas... siyes rindu gile nak type panjang2 macam dulu2..=)
mane tak panjangnye, mengarut je lebih..heee ok  ignore the childish one
saya sudah terlebih matured sekarang ni...
saje nak rant bende pelik2 b4 final ni...
lame lg kan nak final,
ade 27 hari...lame kan-kan
yelah... 27x24hours=648hours... byk tu..=)
ok fine, nak jugak kire ikut jam, right..ofkos la lame..cube tolak time tdo,makan,,sembang2,laen2
kire punye kire, adalah dalam 369 hours thats mean ade 15 hari sahaja....
WHAT! 15 hari SAHAJA!
kritikal dah ni..dengan segala  subjek2 yg membunuh, yang menggerunkan,yg ...<---ok, itu hiperbola semata!
dah tu ape lagi, start study! no more conserve energy<---as u always did!
be a productive MUSLIM<-----yes i will, InsyaALLAH
be Confident<----SW,siap bg 'spirit file' lg untuk boost up your confident..so,dont waste it
be prepared<---- as usual, same wif the previous final..and as usual.. i was NEVER prepared!
last but not least, NEGU~NEVER EVER GIVE UP!
DO YOUR BEST(effort,du'a & tawakal) 
AND LET ALLAH DO THE REST(pray a lot, put your trust in HIM)
till we meet again! assalamu'alaikum

Sunday, April 29, 2012


in the name of ALLAH, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

apa khabar ya akhi, ya ukhti,
apa khabar imannya?
sedang sakit-kah?
ataupun sudah kritikal?

insyaALLAH, much better? then says ALHAMDULILLAH!

sebelum nak citer panjang2 lets take a look the sentences below:
if ALLAH brings you TO it,
HE will bring you THROUGH it,

betul sgt2 kan ayat kat atas tu(^_^)v...if ALLAH brings u to it, HE will bring u through it.....
yes! saya sudah merasainya, bukan sekali, bukan dua kali, bukan jugak tiga kali, bahkan berkali-kali..
dan kerana sifat manusia yg TEGAR mempertahankan keegoan diri, maka the last sentences selalu sgt diabaikan! dan sekarang saya sudah sedar!
THANKS ALLAH, YOU bring me TO it, and YOU help me THROUGH it....ALHAMDULILLAH.

{nanti sambung lg, nak siapkn TEST INORGANIC=)}


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